If your local church, nonprofit, or civic group has an event going on that you’d like included on our Community Calendar or in our on-air Community Bulletin Board announcements, click here to fill out the form!

Blue Grass Gospel Singers at Emmanuel Baptist Church

Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the music of the Blue Grass Gospel singing group “No Reputation” at Emmanuel Baptist Church 632 McCrimmon Road in Carthage on Sunday, January 26th at 6 pm.  Admission is free and a love offering will be taken. 

Winter Interlude

Enjoy an evening of dinner and music at Winter Interlude, a fundraiser to benefit the Lee County Community Orchestra on Monday, January 27th starting at 6:30 pm at the Wesley Center at Jonesboro United Methodist Church in Sanford.  Visit LCCORCH.org for ticket information. 

Friend to Friend’s Annual Benefit Luncheon & Raffle

The Friend to Friend’s Annual Benefit Luncheon and Raffle will be held Tuesday, January 28th at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Friend to Friend’s mission is to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking rebuild their lives.  For more information visit the events page on FriendtoFriend.me.

Quilts of Love

The Quilts of Love Quilting Group makes quilts for the sick, homebound or someone who has lost a loved one.  Join them Thursday, January 30th from 10:00 am  to 11:00 am at Cartledge Creek Baptist Church in Rockingham Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary!

Calvary Baptist Church Blood Drive

Your donation of blood or platelets can make a life-saving difference!  Calvary Baptist Church in Robbins is hosting a blood drive on Thursday, January 30th  from 1:00 pm to 6 pm.  To schedule an appointment or to find a blood drive in your area visit redcrossblood. org.

Casino Night Fundraiser

Partners for Children and Families is stepping back to the Swinging 60s and hosting a Casino Night on Friday, January 31st from 7:00 pm  to 10:00 p.m. at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst. Join them for a groovy good time featuring casino games, tasty bites and desserts, prizes, raffles and a live band. Tickets are […]

Vegetable Seed Starting Workshop

Join Matt Jones, Chatham County Extension Horticulture Agent, for a hands-on workshop “Vegetable Seed Starting” on Wednesday, February 5th from 5:30 pm  to 8:00 pm at the Chatham County Cooperative Extension Center.  Learn about planting and establishing vegetables from seed. Registration is required for this $15 workshop.  Visit the Chatham County Center Page on the […]

Late Winter Vegetable Gardening Class

Join the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Lee County for a Late Winter Vegetable Gardening Class on Thursday, February 6th. No registration is required for this free class starting at 5:30 at the Lee County Library – Hawkins Avenue Branch in Sanford. For more information visit the Lee County Center Page on the North Carolina Cooperative […]

Raised Bed Gardening Workshop

Learn about gardening off the ground with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Lee County now on Saturday, February 8th  from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.  This hands-on Raised Bed Gardening Workshop will cover all the do’s and don’ts of raised bed gardening, some veggie gardening basics, and install raised beds at the Extension Office during […]


Pinehurst United Methodist Church Chocolate Festival

Get ready for a chocolatey good time as Pinehurst United Methodist Church hosts a Chocolate Festival – Saturday, February 8th from 9:00 am  to 1:00 pm. The festival will include chocolate baked goods, a gift boutique, donuts, hot chocolate, a cake walk, a silent auction and more! All proceeds will benefit Kind Souls, Inc, The […]

Swingin’ Songs of Love and Romance

Join the Sandhills Community College Jazz Band for Swingin’ Songs of Love and Romance concert – Monday February 10th starting at 6:30 pm at Owens Auditorium in Southern Pines.  This free concert will feature classic and modern songs of love in authentic big band arrangements.  Visit TicketMeSandhills.com to register in advance for your free ticket. 

Blueberry Pruning and Care Workshop

The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Lee County is hosting their next Pruning Workshop on Thursday, February 13th from 10 to noon.  This next workshop is all about Blueberry Pruning and Care. For more details including cost and how to register for the workshop, visit the Lee County Center Page on the North Carolina Cooperative Extension […]

Sanford Area Photography Club February Meeting

Have a love of photography?  The Sanford Area Photography Club is holding their next meeting on Thursday, February 13th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Mann Center on Steele Street in Sanford.  New members are always welcome!

Great Backyard Bird Count

Share in the joy of birds during the Great Backyard Bird Count February 14th through February 17th.  Spend as little as 15 minutes in your favorite places watching, learning about, counting and celebrating birds during these four days.  And then report the information.  To learn more visit birdcount.org. 

Bowl of Abundance Fundraiser

The Hillcrest Baptist Church in Raeford is holding their annual Bowl of Abundance Fundraiser on Saturday, February 22nd from noon to 2:00 pm.  Come enjoy the soup cook-off and “all you can eat soup” for just a 5-dollar donation or $10 for a ceramic bowl to take home.  Proceeds go to the Hoke County Open […]

Pruning Workshop-Muscadine Grape Vines

The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Lee County’s next Pruning Workshop will be an overview of muscadine grape vine care on Sunday, February 23rd from 2:00 pm  to 4:00 pm. This will be a hands-on class so wear sturdy clothes. The address of the class will be shared after registration. For more details including cost to […]

Quarters for Cara

Sunday, February 23rd  is the next Quarters for CARA auction.  What is a quarter auction?  It is a cross between a shopping party, raffle, and an auction where you bid with quarters for prizes.  This fundraiser at the Stevens Center in Sanford benefits the animals at Carolina Animal Rescue and Adoption. For more information visit […]

Chatham County Extension Master Gardener Interest Meeting

Curious about becoming an Extension Master Gardener for N.C. Cooperative Extension in Chatham County?  Find out application process, training and volunteer opportunities at an Information session on Monday, February 24th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am at the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center.  To register for this free session – visit the Chatham County […]

Sandhills Natural History Society Meeting

Join Sandhills Natural History Society on Monday, February 24th at 7:00 pm for a talk on Backyard Biodiversity: 22 Years of Monitoring the Herpetofauna on a Six-Acre Rural Yard in the North Carolina Sandhills  with Jeff Beane.  All are welcome to attend this program at Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve Visitors Center in Southern Pines.

Blood Drive – Spout Springs Presbyterian Church

Severe winter weather and wildfires have forced thousands of blood donations to go uncollected.  There is a critical need for blood and platelets.  Spout Springs Presbyterian Church in Cameron is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, February 26th from 1:00 pm  to 6:00 pm.  Visit redcrossblood.org to schedule an appointment and find a blood drive […]

For assistance accessing the Online Public File, please contact:

Kelly Dougherty
WLHC-FM Life 103.1
Phone: (919) 775-1031
Email: wlhc@life1031.com