If your local church, nonprofit, or civic group has an event going on that you’d like included on our Community Calendar or in our on-air Community Bulletin Board announcements, click here to fill out the form!

Race Against Drugs Billboard Dedication

Race Against Drugs and Joshua’s Army Fights Fentanyl invite the public to attend the dedication of the 1st Billboard in Harnett County of “The Lost Faces of Fentanyl” on Saturday, December 21 at noon on US 401 Main Street at US 421 South in Lillington. To learn more visit raceagainstdrugsnc.org.

Whispering Pines Animal Hospital Blood Drive

This season the American Red Cross asks you to give the gift that means so much by donating blood or platelets. Whispering Pines Animal Hospital is hosting a blood drive on Saturday, December 28th from 8:30 am to 1 pm.   To schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org.

New Year’s Day Hike

Start the new year enjoying nature with Triangle Land Conservancy for a New Year’s Day hike at White Pines Nature Preserve on Wednesday, January 1st starting at 9 am.  Enjoy a relaxed and social hike with multiple stops to learn about the ecology and history of the preserve. This is a free event, but pre-registration […]

Culdee Presbyterian Church New Year’s Meal

Culdee Presbyterian Church in West End is offering a New Year’s Day meal on Wednesday, January 1st, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For just $10 per plate, you can enjoy a delicious meal of pork loin, collards, black-eyed peas, and dessert. All proceeds will benefit the Carthage Food Pantry and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for […]

Moore Philharmonic Orchestra Spring Open House Fundraiser

The Moore Philharmonic Orchestra, a volunteer community orchestra is recruiting talented and committed individuals who are interested in joining.  Prospective musicians should plan to attend their Spring Open House Fundraiser and Registration event starting at 4:00 pm on Thursday, January 9th at Panera Bread in Southern Pines. ​Registration form will open at 6pm. Board members will be […]

Blood Drive – Jonesboro Presbyterian Church

Start the New Year by donating blood or platelets!  Your donation can make a life-saving difference.  Jonesboro Presbyterian Church in Sanford is hosting a blood drive on Friday, January 10th from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm.  To schedule your appointment visit RedCrossBlood.org.

Down East Boys – Piney Grove Chapel Baptist Church

Piney Grove Chapel Baptist Church in Angier welcomes the musical quartet Down East Boys on Sunday, January 12th at 6 pm. Enjoy an evening of their many popular gospel songs.  The concert is free, and donations will be welcomed.

Sandhills Photography Club January Meeting

The Sandhills Photography Club invites you to their meeting on Monday, January 13th starting at 7 pm at the Sandhills Horticultural Gardens Visitor Center. The meeting will feature “Amazing Photo Destinations: The Outer Banks of NC” with Mark Buckler, a wildlife biologist and photographer.  Discover why this location is a year-round haven for photographers capturing […]

Oral History Workshop

Join the Heart of Deep River Historical Society for an Oral History Workshop on Thursday, January 16th starting at 6:30 pm  at the Lee County Library on Hawkins Avenue in Sanford.  Learn the best practices in Oral History including note taking tips, sample questions to ask and more. This workshop is free and open to […]

Sandhills Natural History Society January Meeting

The Sandhills Natural History Society begins its 2025 schedule with a presentation on Invasive Fire Ants in North Carolina by Dr. Lisa Kelly, Professor of Ecology at Pembroke University. The meeting will be held on Monday January 20th at 7:30 PM at the Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve visitor Center, 1024 Fort Bragg Road in […]

Tree Identification in Winter

Join Matt Jones, Extension Horticulture Agent, and the Master Gardener volunteers of Chatham County for “Tree Identification in Winter” on Wednesday January 22nd from 9 to noon or from 5:30 pm  to 8:30 pm.  This $15 seminar and hands-on workshop on winter botany is for anyone curious about trees. Visit the Chatham County Center page […]


Community Blood Drive

First United Methodist Church in Siler City is hosting a Community Blood Drive on Wednesday, January 22nd from 1:00 pm  to 6:00 pm.  Many blood drives across the country have been cancelled due to the winter conditions and blood and platelets are in need.  Please register at redcrossblood.org to set a time to donate. 

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Lee County is hosting a series of workshops in 2025 on Pruning. These hands-on workshops will help answer questions on correct pruning methods and an overview of plant care.  The first workshop is Sunday, January 26th from 2 to 4 and will cover fruit trees.  For more details including cost […]

Blue Grass Gospel Singers at Emmanuel Baptist Church

Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the music of the Blue Grass Gospel singing group “No Reputation” at Emmanuel Baptist Church 632 McCrimmon Road in Carthage on Sunday, January 26th at 6 pm.  Admission is free and a love offering will be taken. 

Winter Interlude

Enjoy an evening of dinner and music at Winter Interlude, a fundraiser to benefit the Lee County Community Orchestra on Monday, January 27th starting at 6:30 pm at the Wesley Center at Jonesboro United Methodist Church in Sanford.  Visit LCCORCH.org for ticket information. 

Friend to Friend’s Annual Benefit Luncheon & Raffle

The Friend to Friend’s Annual Benefit Luncheon and Raffle will be held Tuesday, January 28th at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.  Friend to Friend’s mission is to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking rebuild their lives.  For more information visit the events page on FriendtoFriend.me.

Quilts of Love

The Quilts of Love Quilting Group makes quilts for the sick, homebound or someone who has lost a loved one.  Join them Thursday, January 30th from 10:00 am  to 11:00 am at Cartledge Creek Baptist Church in Rockingham Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary!

Calvary Baptist Church Blood Drive

Your donation of blood or platelets can make a life-saving difference!  Calvary Baptist Church in Robbins is hosting a blood drive on Thursday, January 30th  from 1:00 pm to 6 pm.  To schedule an appointment or to find a blood drive in your area visit redcrossblood. org.

Casino Night Fundraiser

Partners for Children and Families is stepping back to the Swinging 60s and hosting a Casino Night on Friday, January 31st from 7:00 pm  to 10:00 p.m. at the Fair Barn in Pinehurst. Join them for a groovy good time featuring casino games, tasty bites and desserts, prizes, raffles and a live band. Tickets are […]

Vegetable Seed Starting Workshop

Join Matt Jones, Chatham County Extension Horticulture Agent, for a hands-on workshop “Vegetable Seed Starting” on Wednesday, February 5th from 5:30 pm  to 8:00 pm at the Chatham County Cooperative Extension Center.  Learn about planting and establishing vegetables from seed. Registration is required for this $15 workshop.  Visit the Chatham County Center Page on the […]

For assistance accessing the Online Public File, please contact:

Kelly Dougherty
WLHC-FM Life 103.1
Phone: (919) 775-1031
Email: wlhc@life1031.com